Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chump change ...

Newt don't get out of bed for a mil:

Offering a candidate money to stand down is one of the tools used to suppress opposition activity in banana republics. If the offer made by Michael Savage isn't against the law, it certainly should be ...


  1. Whomever supposedly offered the Newt one million to withdraw does not understand politics.

    Giving Callista Gingrich an open account with no repayment at Tiffany's would have been much more effective.

  2. Savage is a piker and that's calling Neutie a CHEAP whore. Maybe for a $Billion.

  3. Rethugs said the "left" was afraid of Palin and Cain, because they were both too "real."
    Now the right has Newt and they're scared because he actually is too real -- with his anything for a buck hucksterism, self-dealing, and hypocrisy.
    Run, Newt, Run!
