Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Color me surprised ...


NEW ORLEANS -- BP has accused Halliburton of destroying damaging evidence about the quality of its cement slurry that went into drilling the oil well that blew out last year and caused the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history.

In a court filing, the oil company alleged that Halliburton did inadequate cement work. BP also asked a federal judge to punish the oilfield services company.


You mean Halliburton would actually destroy evidence of their criminality? Oh what is the world coming to?


  1. I'm shocked! Shocked I say! No I'm not.

  2. I'm sure the most incriminating shit was gone ten minutes after the place blew up.

  3. Probably a local brown-out from all the shredders going off at once.

  4. But, according to the Myth of Self-Regulation this must be for the good of the consumers!?!

  5. I saw on a reasonably reliable environmental blog that BP has a lot of clean up boats out at the disaster site.

    The author speculated that the drill hole is leaking again.
