Friday, December 16, 2011

The debts ...

Pierce looks at what we owe after this horrible, misbegotten war:


We owe some terrible bills to the world for blundering around like a blind ape with a bazooka in the most volatile section of the planet. We owe them to the world for sneering at the French and laughing at the Canadians when they wouldn't follow us into the quagmire just because we said they should. We owe them to the world for our belief in our invincibility. If we'd armor-plated our Humvees as thickly as our politicians armor-plated their self-righteousness, a lot of soldiers would still be alive. We owe them to the world for re-electing C-Plus Augustus and his soulless vice-president in the middle of what we already knew was a hubristic bungle of historic proportions.


1 comment:

  1. We Are Not Leaving Iraq, and the War Is Never Leaving Us

    Thanks again, G. Weakling Bush.
