Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's time ...

For Dick Cheney to go away. Far away:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said on Monday that President Barack Obama should have ordered an "air strike" on Iran after they recently captured a U.S. drone.


I wish this guy would die already.


  1. Why didn't he get Georgie to launch an airstrike on China when they captured our spy plane?

  2. He is half machine. He is the incarnate of Darth Vader. He cannot die. When/If he does he will be replaced by some other Sith lord - probably more evil than he is if that can be believed.

  3. Ole Shooter is a has been, for him to appear on two so called news programs means it was a REALLY REALLY slow news cycle day. Ole Shooter no longer is relevant to the issues today, however, since he didn't have the balls to go fight on his own he wants everyone else to do his dirty work. Hey Shooter, The Devils waiting for you! So friggin just die and go meet him.

  4. And take his deferment #5 daughter with him.

  5. And take his deferment #5 daughter with him.

    Indeed. Sorry for the omission.

  6. It's not like we lost the crew of a plane, for crying out loud. It's a machine. Aren't we able to remotely destroy those things?

  7. time to gitmo that fucker. he is an enemy to America.
