Monday, December 5, 2011

Neut Thinks You Can Go To Hawaii On Food Stamps (And Other Nonsense)

Addicting Info

As if that isn’t bad enough, Newt has decided that not only is he running for president, he is also laying claim to the crown of the King of Making Shit Up (You didn’t think Karl Rove could hold it forever, did you?)

Recent cases in point:

–He said of the Occupy movement, that they should “go get a job after you take a bath.” Because as everyone is aware, you can then go jump on the back of the job unicorn who will take you to the land of jobs where the man behind the curtain will open the drapes and expose the place where there aren’t 4 job seekers for every job. I think that place is called China.

–Then he pointed out that poor people have no work ethic and no understanding of what it’s like to have a job unless they are involved in an illegal activity. His solution, is to channel Marie Antoinette, ignore child labor laws, turn them into janitors, and let them clean shitters. Nevermind that by far, most poor folk are of the working variety and often have multiple jobs that may just allow them a hand-to-mouth existence.

“We have people who take their food stamp money and use it to go to Hawaii.”

If the food stamp system bars beneficiaries from buying decorative gourds rather than pumpkins, you can be sure it also bars the purchase of airline tickets. (Our guess: The benefit amount would be less than the tickets anyway.)

Yes, you read that correctly, the Food Stamp Program, disallows the purchase of decorative gourds, but according to Newt, you can just take that card and swipe it at the airport and land in Honolulu later in the day, or conceivably, Mordor.

Which leaves us with this question: ”Why would Gingrich make these claims, and what the hell is he thinking when he does?” Well, Newt is laying a bet that becoming the master of the right-wing dog whistle plays well with a republican primary electorate that has little use for pesky things like facts or evidence. And you know what? He’s probably right. The republican field has only one candidate in it that is neither a clown or certifiable and his name is Jon Huntsman (my em). And the former governor of Utah is polling so low nationally, that he has not even qualified to attend the two upcoming Iowa debates.

On second thought, I’m not that worried at all.

I'm worried. I'm worried Neutie won't get the nomination.


  1. I know people who are so stupid, if they hear someone like Gingrich say that food stamps can be used to go to Hawaii, these people believe it is true.

  2. That's his 'base'. He has gotten wherever it is he thinks he is because of ignorant low-information suckers.
