Saturday, December 3, 2011

Santa Ana Winds ...

Yeah, right, it's Gordon after All-You-Can-Eat Burrito Nite:

It was so windy up in Tahoe today, people put their wet suits on and surfed the waves on the lake.



  1. We had very cold north winds but a Santa Ana wind is generally a SoCal term meaning a warm wind out of the desert that howls down the canyons.

  2. I thought it was a warm wind that howls out of the mountains. Heh ...

  3. There was nothing warm about those winds. The air temp never got above freezing, add wind chill to that. The city fathers were begging me to eat burritos and come thaw the joint out. Heh.

    Lake Tahoe's water is so cold somebody's gonna hafta blow in those surfers' assholes to get their dicks to come out.

    There's even a scenario for tsunamis at Tahoe. It's a big lake.
