Friday, December 2, 2011

The stupid ...

It burns:

Oh, that brain trust that is Michele Bachmann has struck again. Not content in staking her intelligence solely on the "scientific fact" of creationism, Professor Bachmann has shown her expertise in foreign policy and 20th century history with yet another gaffe:


And speaking of brain trusts, Megan McCain was gushing over Bachmann yesterday on Alex Wagner's show. I think she called Bachmann "the poor man's Sarah Palin*" or some such shit. Just what, exactly, are Megan McCain's qualifications for the pundit circuit aside from coincidence of birth?

*Link thanks to Tengrain.


  1. I think she has two big qualifications, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

  2. Well, she's rich, she's blonde and she's stupid. That's apparently enough to grant one a place as a Heavy Hitter in the Infotainment culture.

    Just like another such type who vaulted to national prominence (I'll give you a hint: the first letters of her first name is "P" and the first letter of her last name is "H"....).

  3. I agree with her. Crazy Eyes is a bargain-basement factory second irregular Palin, like a cheap tool that breaks the first time you use it.
