Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Caving ... again ...

True to form, the "Wall St. Cabal" in the White House wants to let the banksters off relatively scot-free:


It looks like the Obama administration is on the verge of announcing a deal with some number of state AGs, a handful of regulatory bodies, and the nation's five largest banks. There's a meeting today between HUD officials and an undisclosed number of Democratic AGs or their staffs. Liberal groups are pushing to make this as strong as possible, with lots of activity from New Bottom Line, Color of Change, MoveOn, Rebuild the Dream, and many blogs who have been covering this crisis for years. The expectation is that the Obama administration wants to announce this deal in connection to Tuesday's State of the Union address.


It's time to get Geithner and the other Wall St. lackeys out of 1600. You know this deal won't change behavior and undercuts the investigations by Attorneys General who want to put these assholes in jail.

You know why this deal is getting done, right? Because Obama needs these assholes to finance his campaign. It's time for federally-financed elections and maybe then we'll see some rich twats get the justice they deserve, not the justice they can afford to buy.

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