Thursday, January 26, 2012

Headline of the Day

Gingrich pledges moon colony during presidency

There's nothing wrong with that at all, but the words "Neut" and "moon" in the same sentence bring a horridly disturbing visual...


  1. You are a scary, scary man, Gordon.

  2. Ya know... I'm a NASA contractor, and going to the Moon is awesome. But coming out of the mouth of Newtie, it's just another flag-waving douche-baggery with no real outcome. Bush 1 did with "Mars", Bush 2 did it with "Mars" again.

    Impractical, and totally sucking up to the "low-information" electorate. Go Team!!!!

    *sigh* Here we go again.

    Simple fact - No bucks, no Buck Rogers. Fund it, we'll do it. It's not up to the President, it's up to Congress to fund it, and make it a law.

    It's called Civics 101.

    Newt is an asshat.

    falls off soapbox,

  3. You are a scary, scary man, Gordon.

    Heh ...

  4. I don't try to be scary, I just have a finely honed sense of...something...
