Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Heh ...

The Virginia Senate, for years a firewall against efforts to restrict abortion, today is poised to pass a bill to require that pregnant women undergo an ultrasound and get a chance to see the image before having an abortion.


Not that I expect any state below the Mason-Dixon Line to be pro-woman, but this is good:


Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax County, was dismayed enough by the bill's progress that she tried to amend it so men seeking prescriptions for erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra would be required to undergo a rectal exam and cardiac stress test.

She said that's "only fair, that if we're going to subject women to unnecessary procedures, and we're going to subject doctors to having to do things that they don't think is medically advisory." [my em]


The amendment didn't pass, but I'm glad she put all the men in fear of getting reamed .060" over, even for a little while.

Thanks to DU for the link


  1. reamed .060" over

    Better, overbored 'til there's just a stack of cylinder fins. Heh.

  2. No shit, make it too loose for the telephone pole. Heh ...
