Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ho Hum...

It's kind of a slow day. The hills are alive mostly with the sounds of the intra-Repug steel cage match and my biggest problem is wondering if there's enough bleach to get rid of the visual of Neutie in a Speedo...

When your enemies are killing each other, eat popcorn and enjoy.

And clean your rifle. Buff the lands and grooves to a high polish, put fresh Lubriplate on the bolt, practice your sight alignment and trigger squeeze. One of them will be left standing and by way of thanks for him doing your work for you, you owe him a nice clean bullet delivered in a professional manner.


  1. Spoken like pretty much every Marine I've ever known ;).

    - Badtux the Mildly Amused Penguin

  2. Ahh, I don't believe in killing them. Let 'em eat each other alive--the last man standing will smother in his own bullshit.

  3. That's more fitting than my metaphor. :-)
