Sunday, January 22, 2012

I have no love for Carville ...

But he's spot on here:

Memo to Republican Establishment:


Let me break it to you gently -- you've got a first-class disaster on your hands. I know you boys thought this thing would work out and you would be able to whip the Republicans in line to fall in behind Mitt (I assume you are all males but if there is a female in the establishment, I apologize.) Not going too good, is it fellows?


Your new front-runner is one of your old front runners, Newt Gingrich. I would like to take a moment to revel: I cannot personally tell you how pleased I am to see old Newt rise to the top after listening to all of your nauseating, sickening lectures on the evils of government and the importance of family values.


Note: The Republicans have no values. They will do anything to win, from trying to rig elections to outright lying to fucking their sisters if they thought it would help.


  1. They fuck their sisters all the time anyway.

  2. I still kinda like ol' Snakehead, I just don't think he's too relevant any more. He married poorly to boot.

    I don't think we should be telling the Repugs how bad they're fucking up. I think we should tell them how well they're doing and how scared of them we are. Heh.
