Thursday, January 19, 2012

I need a P.O. box ...

In the Caymans or Liechtenstein. Thing is, in order to evade taxes in one of those places, you need more money than I will ever see in a lifetime:

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been hesitant to disclose his tax records and personal finances, and now it might be clear why: the former Massachusetts Governor has hidden tens of millions from the U.S. Treasury in secret offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands, according to ABC News.

Offshore accounts used as so-called “tax havens” cost the U.S. over $100 billion a year, and are commonly utilized by the wealthiest citizens and corporations as a means of avoiding U.S. taxes on lucrative profits.


You know, the Republicans love finding excuses to deny or revoke an American's citizenship if they don't wave the flag properly or worship a god other than the "approved" white christian one. How about we start jerking citizenship from these rich assholes who hide their money offshore instead of making their appropriate contribution to keep this country, their country, running? They pay little enough in taxes as it is, how about, at the very least, we close the loophole that allows them to pull these frauds?


  1. There was some question about this story over at DailyKos and that we need to wait and see how the story plays out. Readers familiar with the relevant tax codes said that the investments in question were a means of attracting foreign investors - who would realize tax savings in their home countries - to Bain Capital, but that Romney himself had to and was listed as a U.S. partner and would thus be subject to U.S. taxation. After much discussion of the DKos posting, the diarist who brought up the story concluded in an update that the ABC story did sound too good to be true. Regardless, Romney is still incredibly rich and his attempted folksiness ("I'm also unemployed") comes across as big-time fake.

  2. Maybe we need to sink the Caymans with all their money aboard. Or tractor beam 'em in and take it.

  3. Looks like there's not one single Republican candidate who doesn't come without shit stains on them....
