Friday, January 20, 2012

In the bubble ...

Kevin Drum:


Everybody — yes, everybody — is subject to confirmation bias. We all get the warm fuzzies when someone tells us something we want to hear, and we resist listening to people who tell us things we don't want to hear. But there's still a difference. As Paul says, "Conservatives and liberals are not equally prone to huddle within their self-reinforcing cocoons." Liberals don't immediately dismiss as a conspiracy everything they hear from the news media that doesn't fit their preconceived notions. They might downplay unwelcome news or even ignore it, but they're still willing to listen to it. Increasingly, conservatives simply aren't. They want to believe the world is a certain way, and they're just flatly not willing to countenance anything that might challenge those beliefs. This is not a healthy development for a modern democracy.

What Fox 'News' and conservative talk radio have done to this country will take generations to repair.


  1. Yep. The Fox News Nation would've been Hitler's wet dream: A nation that didn't even need to be indoctrinated by anyone--they did it to themselves...

  2. Aren't you assuming that there will be an opportunity to have that generations of repair? It's become so entrenched that resistance to the message will be like a massive boulder.
