Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The moral of the story is ...

Don't think with your dick. Heh ...

One of the leading white supremacists in the nation wants his followers to be wary of the women in their lives after an attractive female informant infiltrated the ranks of his associates.

“I always warn these guys, watch out for these women, man,” longtime racist organizer Tom Metzger told TPM last week. “They’ll get it out of a man before a man could get it out of a man.”

The caution comes after federal investigators used the informant to get two of Metzger’s longtime friends, a pair of white supremacist bombing suspects in Arizona, to brag about serial bombings and shootings supposedly dating back to the early 1980s.


Congratulations, you idiots are going to jail for the rest of your natural lives. I wonder if we'll send these terrorists to Gitmo? Oh, that's right, they're white so they're "patriots".