Wednesday, January 4, 2012

More popcorn!

Go get him, Neut!

If there was any question whether or not Newt Gingrich was serious last night when he hinted at waging a scorched earth campaign against Mitt Romney, he erased it this morning. Just watch the clip above if you had any doubts: in it, Gingrich not only slams Mitt Romney, but he praises Rick Santorum and says that he and Santorum together will make it clear to Republican voters that Mitt Romney isn't really a true conservative.


Gotta get a ton of butter for this one ...


  1. Wow, talk about your odd couples. Neut and Not-on-my-Sheets. They really do not want Mittens to be the standard bearer.

    Personally, my paranoia that enough weird shit, coincidences and conspiracies, could come together to allow one of the clown car passengers to actually be installed in the oval office stops me from enjoying this the way yall do.

  2. ... allow one of the clown car passengers to actually be installed in the oval office stops me from enjoying this the way yall do.

    My worst nightmare, pal.

  3. Rest easy, you guys. Start worrying about '16. All the viable candidates wisely sat this one out.

  4. Yea well, I giggled with glee when the Dim Son became the rethug nominee because I knew that insured a victory for the sane side. That insult to my prognosticatorial ability haunts me to this day. I will never again cheer the selection of a weak-minded, amoral, unelectable piece-of-shit by the other side. I may be slow but, eventually I learn.

  5. The clowns are just running Obama's reelection campaign for him, but who the hell knows what will happen?
