Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Newt Gingrich's Inner Redneck

A little South Carolina goat action. The visuals are disturbing, hilarious, and oddly heartwarming...

There wasn't a safe goat ass anywhere in eastern South Carolina last night. After the Republican presidential debate in Myrtle Beach, the whooping, hooting, cheering white people, whipped into a frenzied state by the race-baiting rhetoric of Newt Gingrich, headed out to the backyards and barns of the Gamecock state to take out their throbbing desires on goats, fucking the goats from behind, getting ass-reamed by the goats, the women glazed by goat semen, the men plastered with goat shit on their dicks, none of them caring because, with Newt leading them against that uppity nigger, Juan Williams, the evening's surrogate Obama, the South would rise again, so they may as well do what they do best: wallow around naked in a mud pit, coated with goat feces and cum, staring up at the stars, remembering the glory of the evening they had witnessed, the confused goat, feeling both satisfied and violated, heading into a corner to sleep.

...the audience at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center exploded.

Of course they did. There was a group of crackers, having been forced to go through an entire day hearing about how a great black man fought for the rights of black people so that now, not only do you have to share water fountains with 'em, but you can't even call 'em "boy" at work without someone getting all upset, and, besides, what are you gonna do with all these unburned crosses?

[...] You can pinpoint the moment that Gingrich saw that he had the audience eating out of his hand like trained pigs lining up at the garbage trough. [...]

That doesn't take much training. Just fill the troughs with anything. Bullshit'll do for those clowns and it's cheap and they love to go face down in it.



  1. Yeah, from the clips it looked like a Klan meeting.

  2. Yeah, ol' Juan showed either a lotta guts or a lack of common sense to turn his back to that mob.

  3. Ol' Juan's been their whipping boy for a long time. He sold his soul to Ailes and that's what he gets. I got no sympathy for him.

  4. Gingrich actually said that when his daughter was 13, she had a janitor job. I guess no lie is too big for him to tell or the dumb fucks to believe it. He went to my high school 10 years before I did. I wish we'd gone at the same time, I would have loved to help give him his daily ass whipping.

  5. AT some point it always comes home to right-wing African Americans, That their success on the backs of black brothers and sisters is still housework. Juan Williams deserves his humiliation as does Ron Christie, when his black moment happens. What a sad and pathetic reflex of the old Southern strategy that includes the cooperation of black conservatives.
