Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not news ...

Rick Perry is an idiot:

During Monday night’s debate in South Carolina, Rick Perry argued that Turkey “is being ruled by, what many would perceive to be Islamic terrorists.” The argument is ridiculous — Turkey is a key democratic U.S. ally and a member of NATO — and led some Turkish journalists to describe the right-wing Texas governor as an “idiot.”


Texas continues its tradition of electing stupid governors who want to be President, though I didn't think they'd find one dumber than Bush.


  1. I didn't think they'd find one dumber than Bush

    Somehow they managed to.

  2. Well, remember Rick Perry says the reason he withdrawing from the race because of " a drive-by shooting by the liberal press." Yes, how wrong they were to quote Rick Perry's very own words!

    Let face it--the real reason he's quitting is that he was having difficulty standing up straight--because his foot was always in his mouth....
