Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shut up ...

And go home. Benen looks at Grandpa Walnuts' endorsement of Mr. 1%:


For one thing, as much as McCain dislikes Romney, he dislikes Rick Santorum more. For another, as much as McCain dislikes Romney and Santorum, he hates President Obama with the heat of a thousand suns.


McCain proved what a chump he really is when he named Moosebreath as his running mate in '08. He's just a bitter old shitbag now. Personally, I wonder, since he came out for the Mittster so early, if he's angling for the SECDEF job in a Romney administration.


  1. Not even Willard's stupid enough to put that senile old warmonger in charge of the military.

  2. Maybe Mittens will put the old fart in charge of the Federal Lawn Police to chase the kids off the grass.

  3. My understanding is that it is considered a conflict of interest to appoint a Secretary of Defense who is currently receiving a pension or disability benefits from the Defense Department, and thus McCain wouldn't be nominated for SecDef. The traditional solution in that case is to put the military retiree in charge of the State Department (cue Colin Powell). Secretary of State McCain? Yeah, that'd work well ;).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
