Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So ...

Neut's on our side now?


The theme here is that Newt Gingrich has decided to hit his opponents where it hurts, even if with the same attacks liberals would make. Giveaways like the Pittsburgh stadiums are not exactly a liberal policy. In fact, the business the stadiums generate (or that their owners say they do) is an excuse team owners use to get taxpayers to pay the bill in the same way that corporations get better treatment from Republicans when they ask for lower tax rates in order to create a business-friendly environment. Similarly, the attacks on Romney’s record in private equity is identical to the liberal attack on what conservatives often see as a sacrosanct industry.

But Newt is not the candidate he was this fall. Now he says he would vote for Obama over Ron Paul, and is helping Democrats by lobbing liberal critiques at both Romney and Santorum.

Heh ... More popcorn. Neut's going full-metal jihadist.


  1. I know this isn't the main thrust of the posting, but regarding stadiums, they're trying to rip off the taxpayers in Minnesota now for a new stadium for the Vikings. Don't say anything about how bad the team is because that is beside the point. I wouldn't care if they were going to their tenth Super Bowl in ten years: I don't want to pay for billionaires and millionaires to have a nicer place to play their games. The owners of the Vikings are threatening to move the team if they don't get a new stadium...even though there are plenty of stadiums, including the Metrodome where they have been playing, that can support them around here. But no, they need the very best and newest or they'll leave.

    Let them. And good riddance. The voters have consistently voted the new stadium down when given the chance. The polls show strong opposition to having the taxpayers pay for the rich people's new toy, but the politicians are all for taking public money to finance private enterprise. One of the latest schemes is to open up new gambling revenues and use taxes on that to pay for it. The politicians will do ANYTHING to appease the rich. Screw the Vikings and screw the politicians.

  2. Sacramento is going through the same "new stadium or we leave and we might leave anyway if we get more money from somewhere else" with the Kings. Highway robbery.

  3. We told the Islanders to fuck off late last year.

  4. full-metal jihadist

    Shades of the Elric brothers! I love obscure references that I get! Heh.

    Sports is mostly just children's games. I wish more cities would remind their teams that they're way overpaid for the crap they do and shut up and play and be glad they can or we'll make something useful outta the arena/stadium/park and they can go play in traffic.

  5. Exploding the Newtron bomb, eh? Heh.

  6. Full postal jihadi kamikaze petulant little bitch, he is. Extra butter, please!

  7. Yah, I love the smell of roast Republican in the morning ;).

    - Badtux the Popcorn-munchin' Penguin
