Wednesday, January 25, 2012


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) January 25, 2012 – In what some critics are calling the most radical tactic ever employed in a State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama risked alienating congressional Republicans last night by repeatedly using facts.

After the speech, a furious Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters, "It's been a longstanding tradition in our politics not to use facts in a State of the Union Address, a tradition the President chose to ignore in an outrageous way tonight. I won't stand for it and the American people won't stand for it."

"We want to work with the President for the good of the American people," added House Speaker John Boehner. "But he's going to have to take facts off the table. That's a deal-breaker for us."


  1. Republicans: Taking facts off the table since 1968.

  2. Those damn "factuals" anyhow. Those damn liberals should know the rule is smoke and mirrors. And none of that "funny" smoke, either...

  3. Is there any Republican/Teabagger alive today who remembers what a fact is?

  4. I had a wingnut tell me they were entitled to their own facts, thus confusing fact with opinion and spin.
