Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thank you...

...to whomever is in charge of the weather around here for finally realizing that there are different snow requirements between ski hills and my driveway. The guy you had last year sucked.

I'm very happy with my one foot of snow outta the three storms over the weekend. It let me go play with my toys enough to commune with nature without much effort, but boy, am I sore. Usually by this time of year I'm accustomed to it, but I've had the last two months off and went soft. Plenty of winter left to catch up, I guess.

The ski hills are also very happy, with up to six feet of fresh, money-generating snow at the higher elevations. The motels, restaurants, and merchants in general are happy as well.

This is a good plan, Weather Entity. Stick to it.


  1. Yes, I'm sacrificing one of my neighbor's children (the loudest and most obnoxious one) to the Weather Entity for the gift he/she/it has given us this year. It's 60F and sunny here as we speak.

    Now, as soon as the girls catch that little bastid ...

  2. Don't take any money from his parents for doing the sacrifice. That might be illegal.
