Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wah, wah, wah ...

I wonder what they'd say if union folks sued when companies demanded they cut their compensation for the good of the firm?

According to the WSJ, Wall Street's end-of-year bonuses will shrink drastically thanks to dismal fourth-quarter figures. Around 400 partners at Goldman Sachs will see their net pay cut in half, while Morgan Stanley's bonuses may dip from 40% to 30%. Some socialist bankers (they exist) might suggest that a falling tide sinks all boats, but those idiots clearly haven't stepped aboard the Serene. Never ones to take fairness lying down, a group of executives at the brokerage firm Jefferies Group are threatening to sue or quit or both if their pay isn't up to par.


Whiners ...

Great thanks to our pal Comrade Misfit for the link.


  1. Hear that dripping noise? That's my ass bleeding for them.

  2. Well, they'd say it was "necessary" for the unions to "make sacrifices"...but in their own case, it's "We're entitled to it! Don't even think of taking it away!"

    I remember reading something about a psychological study which showed that many CEO types had the personality profile of your standard psychopath. So no surprise these asshole's worlds revolve then and them only...

    And then Mitt has the gall to say that concern over wealth inequality is merely "envy"....

  3. What I'd be sayin' to these asses if I was on their Board of Directors: "We got a million jillion Harvard grads who'd just *love* your job. Don't like your job? LEAVE. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out."

    - Badtux the Whiner-baitin' Penguin
