Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The nerve of the Obamas wanting to live like white folks. Rush the Shitbag knows that only white people work for what they've got:


“I believe that whatever drives Obama and his party is the pursuit of money without having to work for it… If you look at the way the Obamas live, with Michelle and her separate vacations and not being concerned about how much it costs to take separate airplanes – an opportunity to live high on the hog without having it cost them a dime. They justify it by saying well we deserve this, we’re owed this because of whatever happened to our ancestors.”


You know, if you're black and well-to-do, somebody must have given it to you, probably taking it from a well-deserving white billionaire's kid.


  1. Really? Seriously? A guy who sits on his ass and lies into a microphone, a guy who has done that very thing for his entire adult life, a guy who makes hundreds of millions of dollars for said ass sitting lying, that guy thinks the Obama's haven't earned their money?

    Perhaps we should think of an insult from a societal shit slurry like Limpbaugh to be the highest compliment.

  2. "...pursuit of money without having to work for it....

    well, that sounds like Rush himself--paid $00 million to sit on his lardy old ass and fart out of his mouth.

  3. Yeah, making up shit and flappin' his jaws for $million$ is hard work all right. Yeesh, what a dickhead. So what's new?

  4. Rumor has it that Rush is not welcome in the DR anymore because he beat up the DR President's favorite underage whore. That's just what I heard.

  5. Rush is a pile of shit. He's always been a pile of shit and will continue to be a pile of shit. He can be nothing else.

    So, when you step in that pile of shit, do you blame the shit, the dog or the owner of the dog that left it behind?

    Rush is on the air because millions of under-educated, frightened, racist mouth breathers keep him there.

    They tread all through Rush's shit for 3 hrs then spend the rest of the day complaining that life stinks.
