Friday, January 27, 2012

What's Good For General Motors Is Awful for Rush Limbaugh

Good. Goes to the point of Fixer's earlier post. There are people whom he thinks will believe him. He's made millions off of lying to them. Maybe he's just getting more and more batcrap outrageous because less and less people are falling for his shit. Media Matters, links and video if you can stand looking at that fat pig. Sorry, pigs.

Why? Simple: If Obama is for the car companies succeeding, the right-wing media have to be against them. Aggressively. (Although, it's funny that when GM ad dollars were flowing Limbaugh's way he sang a very different tune.)

Instead, he lashed out at the carmaker, and refused to believe that GM's robust sales numbers were accurate. In fact, he denounced them as an "absolute crock." Because GM and Detroit autoworkers are the enemy of conservative media.

Note to Rushbo: Keep digging. When the hole's deep enough, shovel the dirt in on yourself. Put up a "head closed" sign with the date so no one will picnic there and get sick.


  1. that's what I love about Rush and the Wingnuts--they're so reflexively against Obama they don't even think about WHAT they're against--they're agin it anyway--so they end up looking like heartless idiots.

    And it helps that they live in their own little bubble-world where facts are whatever they want them to be, and anything inconvenient gets screened out....

    ...kinda like Hitler down in his bunker while the Russkies were headed for Berlin....

  2. Ahhhhhh...suicide and gasoline for the Repugs. I'll buy the matches! :-)
