Friday, January 27, 2012

Why No Responsible Democrat Should Want Newt Gingrich to Get the GOP Nomination

Robert "Bobby Buzzkill" Reich. He's usually got plenty of sack. Not this time.

Republicans are worried sick about Newt Gingrich's ascendance, while Democrats are tickled pink.

Yet no responsible Democrat should be pleased at the prospect that Gingrich could get the GOP nomination. The future of America is too important to accept even a small risk of a Gingrich presidency.

"Weird" is the word I hear most from Republicans who have worked with him. Scott Klug, a former Republican House member from Wisconsin, who hasn't endorsed anyone yet, says "Newt has ten ideas a day – two of them are good, six are weird and two are very weird."

Newt's latest idea, for example – to colonize the moon – is typically whacky.

Are you kidding me? That's the best of all his whacky ideas!

Even if the odds that Gingrich as GOP presidential candidate would win the general election are 10 percent, that's too much of a risk to the nation. No responsible American should accept a 10 percent risk of a President Gingrich.

Look, Bobby, that asshole's got exactly Zero percent chance of being President, and it's a risk we're willing to take. He will go down at, my guess, 65% to 35% as opposed to Willard at about 53% to 47%. We're lovin' this. Quit harshin' our mellow, dude.

If I was so pessimistic as to think the majority of American voters are as batcrap crazy as the Dead End Quarter, I'd be blogging from Nepal or Botswana or someplace else that is smarter than here.


  1. If I was so pessimistic as to think the majority of American voters are as batcrap crazy as the Dead End Quarter, I'd be blogging from Nepal or Botswana or someplace else that is smarter than here.

    No shit. If we get a President Gingrich, I'm outta here so fast heads will spin.

  2. But then again, we got 8 years of Bush which I thought was impossible.

  3. Hopefully, it's twice burned, shy forever.

  4. Mrs. G likes those "House Hunter International" shows. So far, Nepal's the only place I can afford. They haven't done one on Botswana yet.

  5. But then again, we got 8 years of Bush which I thought was impossible.

    This is what I say in agreement with bro Robert. I would also point out that there are elements of the reich-wing that have been strongly suspected of shooting down airplanes, killing adults and possibly children, and any other of a number of nefarious crimes against individuals and nations in their quest to gain power for themselves and/or deny it to the (relatively)sane among us. Neut is entertaining and if you can put the first family in a guaranteed safe environment for the duration of the campaign, I might just join you with the popcorn. But the law of unintended consequences is one that so far, no lawyer has been able to insulate me from. I would rather chance a turn with the souless, amoral Mittens than take even the smallest risk with the actively evil Gingrich. YMMV

  6. House Hunters Int'l is a staple around here. We've been to most of the places they go to and we yell at the idiots who are buying. They always get suckered into paying more than they have to.

    One place in southern France stands out because these people paid big bucks for a house they still had to renovate after they bought it, where if they would have gone a couple of towns over, maybe 10 minutes drive, and they would have got a palace for what they paid.

  7. I saw one in Southern France for $2 mil or something like that that looked like they just let the goats out. Some of those joints are ridiculously expensive. The one in Nepal didn't have a bathroom or anything but it had a nice view. Heh.
