Wednesday, February 8, 2012

11 Dimensional Chess ...

Remember the debt ceiling talks, where the Orange Boner had a gun to the head of the US economy? Remember the failed Super Committee and the Draconian cuts to everything they were supposed to prevent? Well the chickens are coming home to roost and the GOP is squirming like they have ass mites:


Last year, the GOP held the routine debt ceiling limit increase hostage for $1.2 trillion in cuts. At the time the GOP was attempting to brand itself as the party of fiscal prudence. Much to the annoyance of many on the left, President Obama responded by embracing the cause of deficit reduction.

At the time, Obama's move looked ridiculous as the country is in a recession caused by a lack of demand. The last thing the country needs to worry about right now is the risk of inflation.


Now, I ain't gonna buy that Barry had this planned all along. It's better to be lucky than good:


This is how the GOP negotiating strategy collapses when they can't hold the country hostage with a gun to its head. The McCain/Kyl proposals all offer something that the President probably doesn't want in return for something he wants to avoid. Heads I win, tails you lose. [em in orig]


The GOP is so short sighted that they'll reflexively oppose everything Obama proposes, even when it's everything they want, without thinking out how it's gonna play out in the long term, like how their obstruction would come around to the bite them in the ass.

1 comment:

  1. They'd better get used to living up to the bargains they've made if only to be ready when the Devil asks "Is this your signature?".
