Saturday, February 18, 2012

Admin ...

I turned off word verification for comments thanks to the nagging kvetching suggestions of a couple old guys who I should send a gift certificate to Vision Center. Heh ... If I get too much spam I'm putting them back on.


  1. The double word capcha thing is apparently all about digitizing old books. When the computers run into a word that is not recognized it is put into the system. You get an easy, known, word to prove you aren't really a bot and then a more difficult word. The more difficult word will be spelled out by several different people and the most common result is accepted as the real deal. At least that is how I think it works.

  2. Don't matter, Gord and Nucks are blind and can't read the words. Heh ...

  3. They aren't the only ones. Even with a pair of almost new top notch store bought eyes those damn things are hard to decipher. One of these days it will be your turn to wonder what the hell those letters are.

  4. Believe me, I have problems with 'em too but any chance I get to rib the two old ball breakers, I'll take. Heh ...

  5. I may be blind, but Nucks is a newlywed. He's just tired. Heh.

    We wouldn't bust yer stones if we didn't love ya. :-)

  6. Quit mumbling and speak up, I'm hard of hearing too.
