Friday, February 17, 2012

America's Real Debate


Click on it. Holy shit the thing gets big!

Some among the sleek set in the fashion industry think the 19-year-old, self-promoting model is too chubby to be chic -- their definition of hefty encompassing 99% of the nation’s females. The fashion mavens denigrate Upton’s whole look – her too-blond hair, her generic, pouty cheerleader face and her long legs that one critic described as looking as if they belong to a player for the WNBA. The casting director for Victoria’s Secret fashion shows said she’d never allow such a skank to darken her runway. (We all know how Victoria’s Secret is the epitome of haute couture.)

Upton's defenders say she has a right to party. To suggest she is fat, they say, is tantamount to promoting anorexia. Her fans insist that Kate’s look is a healthier example for American girls, even if her beach attire indicates she can’t distinguish between panties and a Post-it stuck to a strand of dental floss.

The point here is not to take sides in this debate or even imply it has any importance. The Kate Upton kerfuffle simply lends a little perspective to the current political campaign. Journalists have been covering every twitch and twist of the Republican nomination fight for months now, millions of dollars have been spent on attack ads and robo calls and the candidates have roamed the countryside shaking hands and calling each other names, yet the number of people who have taken part in primaries and caucuses compared with the number of Americans who have stayed away is about the same as the ratio of fabric to bare skin in Kate’s beach shot.

Notable quote:

We may be in the midst of a titanic struggle for the soul of the country, but, in the land of the free, none of us are required to pay attention.

To which line I would add:

Until it's too late.


  1. Ain't nobody pays attention anymore. It's like in NJ right now. There's more people pissed off that fans ain't allowed in to Whitney Houston's funeral than they are at what Secaucus Fats is doing to their state.

  2. The westboro assholes are saying they'll protest her funeral for "committing sorceries". I hope they show up. Them Newarkians'll turn 'em into low-grade fertilizer.

  3. I see nothing wrong with that Upton girl that could not be cured with patented shot of Dr. Dupree's two ball injection.

  4. My God, C, she's a baby! Or is that "babe"?
