Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The essence ...

Of the Frothy Mixture's campaign, boiled down into four small sentences by Charlie Pierce:


(Vote for me. While others quailed, I dared to be proudly ignorant and paranoid. Come on in! The stupid's fine!)



  1. Ol' FM's done gave me religion! I pray he's their nominee. Like most prayers, it will go unanswered and he won't be. Wall St. doesn't want him.

  2. I pray he's their nominee.

    It really doesn't matter who they nominate anymore. Every GOP candidate has gone so far across the line into Crazyland that the comparison with Obama will be striking. Besides, these primaries have given the Obama camp so much footage for their campaign commercials. Obama really does come off as the adult in the room against all of them.

    And then there's Mitt.
