Friday, February 24, 2012

Fools ...

You know, for the 'party of fiscal responsibility', they sure come off like a buncha suckers. I'd hate to think about how they'd do on the street in NYC if they happened to come across a 3-card Monte game:

So I've been wondering here lately about why these campaigns cost so much more than they did just a few years ago. What are these Super PACs spending all their billionaire contributions on anyway?

Well, surprise ...

Shorter: It's all about wingnut welfare.


  1. As if American politics couldn't get any more corrupt and sleazy. Thanks for nothing, U.S. Supreme Court.

  2. if they happened to come across a 3-card Monte game

    After they got all greedy and let a real pro swindle 'em outta all their money, they'd blame Liberals for victimizing them and ask for more. Then they'd let him swindle 'em outta all our money too.

    Actually, they're pretty much the 3-card Monte guy themselves with the "less taxes, more deregulation" stuff. They've been swindling the rest of us for 30 years.
