Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How about ...

I shove one of them up your ass?

The desire of many Virginia Republicans to treat some women like the popsicles of the damned has run into a major problem...the public.


Ya think?

I am so sick of these fucking people, you wouldn't believe. A woman who is considering an abortion, one way or the other, is at a point where she might be making the biggest decision of her life. I am certain her emotions are in serious disarray as she wrestles with her choices. I am also certain that the great majority of women do not take the choice lightly or without emotion. And, as a man, those are the only things I am certain about on this subject.

To have a bunch of men, mostly, decide that a woman at this time should also have to undergo the humiliation of being 'institutionally raped' sickens me. I can't believe, in this day and age, people would be so backward to even conceive of this, let alone attempt to put it into practice. All these men should be ass raped with the same device they want to use in the procedure.


  1. If you actually have someone who is so out of touch with reality that they do not understand what it means to be expecting a child - and all the work and money and life changing upheaval that having a child entails - the idea that you should persuade this incredibly unprepared person by showing them ultrasounds that they should not get the abortion they are seeking.... what kind of parent will they be? Especially since they will be immediately left to cope on their own as soon as the decision to not abort is made.

    And then, 15 years later we all get to live with the product of that "informed" decision.

  2. You sound like my Mrs., Gypsy. She always wonders what happens to the poor children who are brought into the world unwanted or forced to be born to a woman who is in no way prepared to have a child.

  3. Fixer, I'm in complete agreement with you. Can't express how disgusted I am with repugs.

  4. What VA is trying to do fits the definition of rape, "non-consensual vaginal penetration". The women don't want it, the doctors don't want it, only the fringe Repugs who run the joint and want dominion over women want it.

    Get a rope...

  5. You sound like my Mrs., Gypsy. She always wonders what happens to the poor children who are brought into the world unwanted or forced to be born to a woman who is in no way prepared to have a child.

    Fix that is just silly. Anytime your Mrs. wants to know/see those children all she has to do is visit most any prison. There may be some excuses to the rule there but the majority of the folks there had some form of shitty parenting. I am not speaking to the intent of the parents or the circumstances that may have been outside of their control but to the actuality. They had shitty parenting if any.

    I want republicans off of my planet.

  6. Fixer,

    You said it. I am past disgusted with these assholes. I'd like to sit them all on the nose of an Atlas rocket and send them to Uranus. Their heads are already ass-wards...

  7. Fixer, if you ass raped most of those people, you would give them concussions.

  8. Fixer, if you ass raped most of those people, you would give them concussions. & orgasms

  9. You sayin' somethin' about where their heads are located, are ya, Montag? Heh.

    - Badtux the Appreciative Penguin
