Thursday, February 2, 2012

How you do it ...

Our pal Comrade Misfit explains how to give a big "Fuck You" to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.


  1. We've donated to Komen. Those donations will go in future to Planned Parenthood.

    The Komen people are figuring out they done fucked up with that wingnut bitch's mov, and are backpedalling like nobody's business trying to make it seem like everybody's wrong but them. It's not going to work. I suspect contributions will drop off sharply. The "free market" don'tcha know.

  2. I gave my bit to PP "In Memory Of" da bitch.

  3. This ain't the only pandering to right-wing nutjobs they've done lately -- they hired Sarah Palin's campaign manager as their VP of Initiatives, and they cut off all support for stem cell research aimed at curing cancer. Apparently if you donate to these folks nowadays, you're gonna be donating to folks pushing "pray the cancer" away treatments -- sorta like prayin' the gay away, works just as well (or not).

    So anyhow, yeah, send'em a fuck you about this, then make sure every woman you know is aware that their favorite breast cancer charity has been taken over by right-wing anti-science nutjobs and that they need to find a new breast cancer charity.

    - Badtux the Grumpy Penguin
