Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I generally don't agree with Noot on anythng ...

But, like Charlie Pierce, I think Humanity's future is among the stars. I think a Moon base would be a goal to shoot for, and then moving farther afield from there.

I have to confess: The fact that N. Leroy Gingrich, Definer Of Civliization's Rules and Leader (Perhaps) Of The Civlizing Forces, proposed building a base on the moon by 2020, only to have the idea turned into a punchline and general ridicule, actually bothered the hell out of me. When did we become so quick to mock this kind of thing? When did our national imagination wither this way? When did exploration become just another "big government" program for pipsqueaks like Willard Romney to ridicule?


Some of us still have an imagination, Charlie, but we write fiction.


  1. I dislike that America is generally out of the 'space race'....but until we stop paying for wars we cannot afford and figure how to get American kids out of starvation grade poverty, I think moon bases and anything else off planet needs to be carefully thought out.

    I don't think Newt plans much of anything besides his next new, younger, more schtuppable wife.

  2. I agree with you, I'd like to see more than one space station, and a Moon base, and would like nothing more than to live to be old enough to see a human (I don't care what nationality) step onto the surface of Mars.

    We could do it if we set our minds to it. But when Newtie said it, it was just pandering to a Florida audience - President Gingrich would not actually move in that direction any more than President Santorum would (who for all I know probably doesn't believe in other planets, and may even believe space exploration itself is sacrilege).

  3. Or you could just become a Mormon since they believe that each Mormon gets his own planet on which to rule when s/he dies.

  4. I wouldn't mind my own planet. I'd be in charge somewhere. Heh ...
