Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Please join my Tantric yoga sex cult

If it's Wednesday it's yoga at Morford's place!

So then. As a longtime Vinyasa teacher here in San Francisco (12 years and counting), as someone who's taught with and/or trained with a large number of major teachers across most popular styles you can name, as a devoted Shaiva Tantra adherent, and also and as someone who enjoys many happily debauched Burning Mans and isn't afraid to mention lube and ecstasy, anal sex and whisky, God and love, Wicca and a fine grass-fed steak all in the same paragraph -- as someone, finally, who has had his body, heart, relationships, worldview and entire life reshaped and blown wide open in a thousand challenging, painful, radiant ways as a result of a dedicated yoga practice, often I'm asked, "So? Is it true? Is it really a weird sex cult?"

I am tempted to answer: "How did you get this number, Mr. Santorum?"

Read the rest. Things will tingle...

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