Wednesday, February 22, 2012

They scare you too?

I was wondering how far the crazy would get before even the Republicans got scared:

Republicans are staring down the increasingly real possibility that Rick Santorum could snatch the presidential nomination away from Mitt Romney and with it any idea that they could mount serious opposition to President Obama in the fall.

As a result, many have started to hit the panic button, and they’re doing so in a way you probably wouldn’t have expected from the GOP, which still counts evangelicals among its strongest and most reliable base vote. Nevertheless, the freakout is evident from the Romney-allied Drudge Report homepage right through to radio host Laura Ingraham’s national airwaves.


I think some of the more sane (less insane?) ones are starting to realize that Santorum has no chance of beating Obama but also runs the real risk of damaging their brand beyond repair. I'd say that happened already but you can never discount the vast amount of stupid in this country.


  1. Geez, one guy tells the truth about his position and the rest of 'em get all scared. Heh.

  2. Also, it's kinda odd to see "Rick Santorum" and "snatch" in the same sentence given his views on women.

  3. Just like Dr. Frankenstein--first they create the monster, then they find that it's beyond heir control....
