Friday, February 24, 2012

What Bible is Santorum Reading?

Crooks and Liars

I will go so far as to say that the modern conservative faith is the direct opposite of what the Judeo-Christian Bible teaches: modern conservatives argue that everyone should take what they want and devil take the hindmost, that we are all on our own, and that if you are rich it means that a Darwinian selection process allowed you to succeed, and that you owe nothing to anyone else. Modern conservatives are far more faithful to Ayn Rand, who openly rejected Christianity because of its values of helping the poor and caring for others. Give her credit for one thing: at least she was honest. Conservatives like Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich celebrate we're all on our own selfishness, and are happy to let the poor starve and the ill die from lack of health care, yet they proclaim their Christian holiness and denounce Obama's theology. As Jesus would have put it: you have to take the log out of your own eye before you can take the speck out of your brother's, you hypocrite. Mr. Santorum, if you don't know the Bible any better than you do, you should be careful calling other people anti-Biblical.

Shorter: The Cat'lick Choich doesn't exactly encourage its aptly named "flock" to read the Bible, patting them on their woolly little heads and telling them to leave the details of salvation to the priests and saints and put some money in the box on your way out, so being the Catholic-of-which-there-is-no-Catholicker, Frothy Mixture probably hasn't read it.

Protestant Bibles, at least the ones in right-wing fundie and evangelitard hands, are very well read and fall open to the dirty parts. Given the way they seem to ignore the true message in favor of hate, the "red letter Jesus-talk" passages about helping people must be pristine in their un-readness.

I look at the Bible in about the same way I looked at Easyriders magazine when I was a Harley-Davidson mechanic - in amongst the occasional nugget of fact there was a lotta bullshit. I had to read it so I'd be up on what the customers were being mis-informed about - and believed as gospel from on high! - every month.


  1. Plus you had to make sure their chick photos did not cross into the territory of the obscene.

  2. Like I said, an occasional nugget of fact, truth even, about what's really important!
