Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Your bishop is stuck in my Santorum

Wednesday. Morford. Heh.

Completely insufficient level of sarcasm, really, given how it apparently really is 2012, well past the sexual revolution, the Pill, shattered glass ceilings, designer vibrators and dragging females around the cave by their lustrous hair without enthusiastic fetish/safe word consent, and here we are, stuck like an errant NuvaRing under the sweaty, sexually disgraceful thumbs of a shrinking but still shrieking subset of hyper-religious males who think women are vile and lesser and should not, cannot make choices for themselves regarding sex and war and love, et al.

Rick Santorum! Are you really back in the national spotlight for a blip of a cringe of a groan? Don't worry, it won't be for long. It won't take much time for your 15 minutes of swelling GOP fame to expire like Bachmann, Cain, Christine O'Donnell and other fringe nutballs before you, and you regress back to your rightful status as Dan Savage's plaything, as the world's favorite filthyfun Google search.

Do you know what conservatives fear and lament the most? They fear the end of a rose-colored, belligerently patriotic, stiffly Christian nation that never really existed. They lament that the very foundations of America and the angry, oppressive God that created it are crumbling beneath them, that the fabric of this fine nation is coming undone and they're powerless to stop it

I think it is probably unnecessary at this point for me to suggest you go read this.

1 comment:

  1. ... you regress back to your rightful status as Dan Savage's plaything, as the world's favorite filthyfun Google search.

    Heh ... About all he's good for.
