Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Calling all kinkster hippie sluts

Welcome to all you folks who googled "kinkster hippie sluts"! If it's Wednesday it's a Morford must read.

I know how it is. Have you been feeling it, too? The heat of recent media attention? The sour breath of bland, conservative evil on your nicely tattooed neck? Perhaps you've noticed. Sluts and sex, gays and deviants, perverts and hippies, yoga teachers and tattooed miscreants have been in the news a lot recently. More than usual, even. And that's saying something.

It's not difficult to see why. There's a very weird, grisly Republican presidential race underway right now, featuring some of the least appealing, most disagreeable conservative candidates to limp across the national stage in decades. And that's really saying something.

It's all a result of the sad fact that the once-noble GOP has devolved in the past few decades from a semi-reasonable party of stiff values and staid institutions, into a kowtowing, far-right, fundamentalist drainage ditch full of Christian fear, Bible literalism and anti-everythingism. Voilá: one hell of a kinkystrange little witch hunt, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Then he starts in on Frothy Mixture:

He's like an incontinent raccoon accidentally coming within hissing distance of getting into the Westminster Dog Show.

Much more. ends on a happy note:

You think for yourself, act for others, love without regard for church or country or sad conformist dogma. And let me just tell you, they hate that most of all. You slut.


  1. Yup, they should just rename the GOP to the "No Fun Police" or "Taliban".

  2. Just a minute, you left out the best part!

    ... you both romp like feral cats and sip some añejo and get in the tub. Oh wait. Maybe that's just over at my house.

  3. Theo, I liked that line too but I I wanted you to discover it in the column. :-)

  4. Gee, now I have a burning need to cover my tattoo'd neck! :::::shudders::::
