Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lakotas arrested halting Keystone XL pipeline trucks

the narcosphere

An action alert was sent out shortly before the arrests: "Calling all Lakota men on the Pine Ridge Reservation to come to Wanblee, South Dakota." The alert said "Pipeline trucks are being held there at the border by our Lakota Oyate, Oglala Sioux Tribal Police and State Troopers in an effort to keep them from entering our territory. Even the state troopers told the trucks they have to turn around and cannot bring their pipeline or other materials on to our reservation."

"Pipeline trucks are refusing to turn around claiming they have corporate rights that supersede any other law." Reports from the scene say that the trucks are being allowed to pass, as Lakotas are being arrested attempting to halt the trucks from entering their sovereign territory."

One sentence bears repeating:

"Pipeline trucks are refusing to turn around claiming they have corporate rights that supersede any other law."

There ya go. One of the biggest problems we've got in a nutshell.

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