Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lee needs an Intervention!

In a Rude Pundit post about Sandra Fluke comes this:

(Note: The Rude Pundit is having a serious case of the writer's block when it comes to bloggery. Hopefully, he'll drink his way through it. If not, he may need to call in the pill guy. If that doesn't work, he'll call the powder guy. If that doesn't work, he'll call the virgin sacrifice guy. One way or another, he'll deal with it.)

Fixer, if you can lift it, take yer stash bag and get over there! I know it doesn't have any virgins...


  1. The 'Jamaicans on the hill' are halfway between Lee and me. I'll send him directions and a reference. Heh ...

  2. A qtr lb of TGA's 'Vortex' can be there overnight via FedEx. Tom Hanks can deliver it personally!
