Thursday, March 29, 2012

Must be gay ...

Heaven forbid, at a campaign stop where the Frothy Mixture showed off his bowling skills, a young boy used a pink bowling ball:

But when Frothy Santorum stopped to perform in an alley in La Crosse, he suddenly got controlling. According to Reuters reporter Sam Youngman, Santorum said to a young man bowling with him:

You’re not gonna use that pink ball. We’re not gonna let you do that. Not on camera.

Wait, what exactly is wrong with a pink bowling ball? And what if that bowling ball was the one closest in weight for the guy’s playing needs? Is this what we have to look forward to if Frothy Santorum is elected–the government telling us what color balls we can play with? That men can’t stick their fingers into something pink?

That's right, I want a President who acts like a fifth grader. I mean, that's the last time I worried about something pink being a threat to my masculinity. If a grown man is infantile enough to have apprehensions about a color, he's not fit to be President, period.


  1. A standard bowling ball weighs 16 pounds. That's too heavy for children and many women so they make lighter ones which the pink one no doubt was. Frothy Mixture simply has an unhealthy obsession with anything he thinks suggests "gay". Sick motherfucker, that one. That, or he's got "tendencies" and doesn't want people to find out.

  2. I'm leaning toward the "tendencies".

  3. Personally, I don't mind pink balls. I happen to keep a couple of them close at all times.

    A broken park bench is more qualified to be president than Ol' Buttfoam.

    The entire GOP presidential flea circus is staged right out of elementary school. None of the candidates have shown maturity greater than 5th grade.

  4. David, if your pink balls weigh 16 pounds, let's go bowling! ;-)

  5. David, if your pink balls weigh 16 pounds ...

    I'll loan you my wheelbarrow to carry 'em around.

  6. I've seen a picture of a Solomon Islander on Guadalcanal with elephantiasis that actually showed his balls in a wheelbarrow. "Just goin' out for a beer with the boys, dear. Back soon."
