Monday, March 12, 2012

The reason why ...

I say John McCain should be relegated to a rocking chair on his front porch, yelling at the kids to get off his lawn:

Former Republican presidential nominee John McCain is still adamant that no one was more qualified than Sarah Palin to be vice president in 2008.


Time to get you back to the home, gramps.


  1. Palin was the political equivalent of getting himself shot down over Hanoi but at least he once admitted that one. I guess he got over admitting his mistakes and in the process unleashing Moosebreath on us.

  2. Did you watch the movie? I did and I thought it was well done. Highlights for me were: Showing Palin a map of Europe and explaining who was on which side during WWII, Palin disregarding advisor to text and play with Blackberry, and the implication that McCain was afraid of Palin turning on him.

    I thought the Woody Harellson (sp?) and Julianne Moore were very good.

    Jay in N.C.

  3. Well I for one, agree whole-heartedly with the Senator. No one is way more qualified, No one is much smarter, and No one would have been a much better choice as a backup plan to run the nation. Given a choice between the Backwoods Beauty queen and No one, I choose No one every time.
