Friday, March 9, 2012

Republican presidential hopefuls have met the enemy...

This is good! NY Daily News snark-o-rama on the Repug primary flusterpluck. 1st and last ¶:

They stand up there, week after week, moving from state to state but somehow preaching to the same choir of angry whites, and it is as if Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich and even Ron Paul — the one who actually seems to say what he means — are running for the President of Podunk, not the United States.

They haven’t just run off women and kids and people of color with this slog of a campaign for President of Podunk. They have run off smart people. Dumbest campaign ever, getting dumber by the minute. I keep hearing they’re worried about going to Tampa without a candidate. Why? It might be their best option.

I hope so! Romney's going to get the nod, but the double-dealing back-room bullshit they have to use to get that might be the most fun of all.


  1. I'm surprised the Daily News went down this road. Usually they give the Rethugs the benefit of the doubt but I guess this year's Clown Car gotta be one of the worst.

  2. This time there's no doubt to give them the benefit of.
