Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Scarce ...

I'l be scarce around here for the foreseeable future. They took dad-in-law to the hospital this early morning. According to them he suffered a massive stroke during the night. He's been unresponsive since. The doctors say it could be "minutes, hours, or days". The merciful conclusion for a 90-odd year old man with Alzheimer's would be sooner rather than later. See yas when I see yas ...


Dad-in-law passed at 1840 this evening. He's in a far better place.


  1. Damn.

    Sorry to hear about this misfortune .
    My condolences.

    Some tough times ahead.

    My best wishes pal.

  2. This would be the dark and sour that makes you appreciate the light and sweet. Stay tough bro.

  3. So sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences to you and your family.

  4. Condolences to you and yours, pal.

  5. Fix, my condolences to you and Mrs. Fixer for your loss. Take comfort in the knowledge that in his last few years, you were a shining light in an otherwise confusingly dark place.

    His fathers and grandfathers welcome him with arms wide to his seat of honor in the Hall of Ancestors.

  6. I just got home from swing shift, so sorry to hear the news.
    God Speed.
    You are a good man , I hope to meet you some day and please tell your lovely wife she has my sincerest condolences.

  7. My sympathies to your wife, you, and your family. I'm very sorry.

  8. The loss of someone you have loved for so many years is always tough. You are not alone.

  9. I 'm sorry to hear that. You have my comdolences.

  10. I am sorry for your loss...your double loss in a way, first to Alzheimers and now to the effects of stroke.

    Saying farewell is never easy. But some endings are merciful, may you find peace and comfort!

  11. Last December, both my mother- and father-in-law passed away. On February 20th, my father died at the age of 89. Consequently, I have been scarce on the internet tubes for the past couple of months. I feel for Mrs Fixuh and you and you both have my sincere condolences. I am only too sorry to say that, for once, when I say "I know how you feel", I probably really do.

    My father's birthday was tomorrow.

  12. My condolences to your wife and you, Fixer. As you say, his quick passing was a blessing for him, but still the loss of a parent is never easy.
