Thursday, March 29, 2012

That's the problem ...

He actually believes his own bullshit:


One of the things it has always been easy to admire (yes, admire) about Santorum is that the motherfucker may be crazy as a shit fight in a monkey house, but he believes what he's saying. He's all-in. If you're gonna base your candidacy on your belief that Satan wins if you don't, own that shit. And nothing says nutzoid like Santorum's latest video from his campaign, not a Super PAC, wherein he imagines the color-drained hellscape that America will become if Barack Obama wins a second term. Because apparently you can put anything after the President's last name, it's called, "Obamaville":


Yeah, I want his finger on the nuclear button.


  1. I do not admire ideological delusion no matter how steadfast the delusionee is, especially when he wants to take me down with him.

  2. Yeah, I can get to Hell on my own. Heh ...

  3. We could go on the buddy plan!

  4. I don't care what they call it as long as our people get the help they need.
