Friday, March 30, 2012

What you must believe ...

If you think George Zimmerman was acting in self defense by killing Trayvon Martin:

In order to believe the highly-connected-to-the-system family of George Zimmerman, here's what you have to believe transpired the night Trayvon Martin was killed:

1) You have to believe that after George Zimmerman started heading back to his van, Martin, who had already expressed concern to his girlfriend about being followed, picked a fight with a guy who outweighed him by about 100 pounds.


The Zimmerman family and hangers-on are trying to "game the refs". Unfortunately, the way this stupid law is written, he'll probably walk. I don't have much hope getting justice for Trayvon, but it'd be nice if the Sanford PD and the local DA underwent some sort of reorganization to get the mouth breathing crackers off the public payroll.


  1. I do not completely agree. I could certainly see a situation wherein after following the kid around, open and obviously armed, Zimmerman cornered the kid and then insulted him and his family and threatened him and his family. At that point, the kid feels like he has to defend his sisters and dad so, he attacks. However, if that is what happened, then the kid was justified in what he did under the SYG law and Zimmerman is a murderer.

  2. There are a lot of people who think wearing a hoodie while black is a capital offense. There will be plenty of people who believe any bullshit Zimmerman comes up with.

  3. "Highly connected" is right, through Zimmerman's dad. I bet that had something to do with the way the cops and states' attorney handled this. They knew exactly who this clown is. There might be some awfully interesting rocks turned over in the federal investigation.

  4. Zimmerman may end up spending some time in Club Fed for civil rights violations, 'cause that trumps local "kill a nigger and get outta jail free" laws. Latest bullshit the Zimmerman family is floating is that a kid who weighed 100 pounds less than Zimmerman was trying to take Zimmerman's gun away and so Zimmerman had to kill him. Say wha? Zimmerman coulda bench-pressed the kid with one hand!

    Note that most of this coulda been resolved with a professional autopsy and professional crime scene investigation, which would tell us what distance Zimmerman was when he killed the kid, and so on and so forth, but of course the local PD didn't do any of that shit and the local coroner is an elected cracker who ain't gonna exert himself, so... travesty. Just sayin'.

    - Badtux the "They took off their hoods but they're still the same" Penguin
