Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yes ...

This is what young Americans are fighting and dying for:

Women are subordinate to men, should not mix in work or education and must always have a male guardian when they travel, according to new guidelines from Afghanistan's top clerics which critics say are dangerously reminiscent of the Taliban era.

The edicts appeared in a statement that also encouraged insurgents to join peace talks, fuelling fears that efforts to negotiate an end to a decade of war, now gathering pace after years of false starts and dead ends, will come at a high cost to women.

"There is a link with what is happening all over the country with peace talks and the restrictions they want to put on women's rights," said Afghan MP Fawzia Koofi, who warned that the new rules were a "green light for Talibanisation".


It's time to leave these goat fuckers in the 12th Century and get the fuck out. To quote the Chimp before we went into that god forsaken shithole "We are not in the business of building nations". Sorry, but these people had over a decade to get it together and they haven't made the effort. Loyalty can still be bought as easily as it was when the Soviets were there and these people don't want a central government; never have, never will. They don't want democracy, they don't want technology, and they don't want to know about anything but their parochial needs and their subservience to Allah (seems they have a different Allah than the Muslims I know but that's another post).

Fuck this shit. It's time to get out and let them go back to beating their women, raping their children, and killing each other over insults. It's 10 years on and if it was gonna happen, it would have happened already. It's never gonna happen.


  1. Loyalty can still be bought as easily as it was when the Yankees were there and these people don't want a central government; never have, never will. They don't want democracy, they don't want technology, and they don't want to know about anything but their parochial needs and their subservience to Jehovah (seems they have a different Jehovah than the Christians I know but that's another post).
    See what I did there?

  2. I second the motion. They like being medieval, let 'em have at it.

  3. i'm with Labrys. If the women will put up with their treatment without making every Afghan goat fucker sleep with one eye open lest he receive a midnight nutsackectomy, so be it.
