Monday, April 16, 2012

Aim for the big toe ...

Thinking about Gordon's post of a few weeks ago when I read this in MJ:


Not content to enrage people who like sex? Well, party of Lincoln, you've also bullied Latinos, a giant, socially conservative, upwardly mobile, and demographically growing bloc that many analysts see as key to securing the White House—and that as recently as 2004 swung 42 percent for George W. Bush. That was before GOP lawmakers spearheaded some 160 punitive anti-immigration bills in the last two years. Before Mitt Romney—whose own forebears fled to Mexico to avoid anti-polygamy laws—bent over backward to embrace such "self-deportation" measures. Before Rick Santorum demanded that Puerto Ricans switch to English. These days no more than 14 percent of likely Latino voters can see themselves casting a ballot for any of the GOP candidates. Hasta la vista, Nevada!


Sitting back over the past few months and watching the Rethugs trying to out-crazy each other, moving farther and farther to the nutty right, it seems as if they are determined to commit political suicide. It's as if someone came up with the bright idea that alienating everyone who might cast a vote for them was the way to win the White House and hold on to some sort of majority in Congress. 6 months ago, they were talking about the GOP taking the Senate as well as retaining the House. It seems the best thing they can hope for now is to win open mic night at the local comedy club. The GOP has become nothing more than a political cartoon.

Eisenhower weeps ...

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