Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Charlie Pierce is racist!

Or at least, that's what the town drunk Ann Althouse says (Who knew she was still alive?). The Duchess of the Wine Box thinks that calling Antonin "Fat Tony" Scalia "Tony" is racist because that's not his nickname*. I still don't know why Thers amuses himself with her but hey, we all have our little entertainments (mine is sitting in a public place seeing how many women wear the wrong bra).


You may be inclined to consider this ridiculous. However, Shocking Footage has emerged of an enraged Pierce hurling barrels at an innocent Italian plumber, probably because Pierce suspected the little fellow is Catholic:


Oh the Humanity! You'd think Pierce shot Tony on a February night as he was heading home from the store with Skittles and iced tea.

*My first name is Richard and I don't go by "Dick" (unless it's a woman prefacing it with "Give me some of that big") but that sure as hell doesn't stop people from using that moniker (sometimes justified, heh ...).


  1. What constitutes a "wrong" bra? Enquiring minds want to know...

    I like pointy ones. :-)

  2. It's all in how the "girls" sit. Most women who have the wrong bra make the mistake of getting one that's too small. Some need underwire for more support and some just need to wear one. It's not a sexual thing, it's about fashion. A woman can look a hundred percent better just by getting the right bra.

  3. If Mrs. G is any indicator, women sometimes have trouble getting one that fits, looks OK, and is comfortable all at the same time.

  4. That's why I'm just an observer. I am so glad I'm a guy.
